29 de octubre de 2017


All paper submissions will be peer-reviewed by an international panel of experts. Authors are kindly requested to send the paper without any reference to any of the authors. So, please, remove the authors’ personal details, the acknowledgements section and any reference that may disclose the authors’ identity. Papers not satisfying these conditions will be rejected without reviews. All contributions will be written following the ACM template (https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template). For those authors using Microsoft Word, the template to be used is sig_conf. The first anonymous version must be submitted in PDF.

Authors should submit an original paper in any of the following submission categories:

    • Full Papers: full papers should describe original work that have not previously been published and provide significant results of scientific research. Presentation time for full papers will be 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions. These papers are assigned a 8-page limit in the conference proceedings.
    • Short Papers: short papers should describe innovative work in progress, without significant results yet, that contribute to well-founded research. Presentation time for short papers will be 10 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions. These papers are assigned a 4-page limit in the conference proceedings.
    • Doctoral Colloquium: the Doctoral Colloquium is a forum in which Ph.D. students will discuss their work with each other and with experts in their area. Students will present and discuss their thesis and will receive feedback to help them with their research plans. These papers are assigned a 2-page limit in the conference proceedings and first author must be a PhD Student. PhD students will give a short presentation (10 minutes) about their work. After each presentation, group discussion will take place.
    • Experiences and case studies: the experiences and case studies are technical papers to present real applications and projects related to HCI outside the scientific field. Authors from industry or public administration will present in this session their work, which may be of interest to the HCI community, due to results and/or methods and techniques used. These papers are assigned a 2-page limit in the conference proceedings. Presentation time for technical papers will be 10 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions.
    • Relevant contributions: a 2-page summary paper of an already published paper in 2016, 2017 or pending publication,  in a high-ranked journal or prestigous international conference on HCI. Presentation time for such papers will be 10 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions. These contributions will not appear in the proceedings.


Papers should be submitted electronically via the EasyChair web-based submission system. (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=interaccion2018)

All contributions will be written in Spanish or English taking into account that:

  • Accepted full and short papers written in English will be published entirely in the ACM Digital Library.
  • Accepted full and short papers written in Spanish will be published in the conference proceedings under ISBN, on CD-ROM support, as long as the camera-ready submission, registration and copyright document have been received. Those accepted papers written in Spanish will have to submit a 2-pages extended abstract in English to be published in the ACM Digital Library.

A selection of best papers from Conference Interacción 2018 will be proposed to be submitted as an extended version for a special issue of an international journal indexed by ISI Thomson’s Journal Citation Report (JCR) to be specified later.